Thursday, August 21, 2008

I am 1 in 100!

"Hey doc!" I say this morning at my visit. "My jaw is bugging me. It's painful and stiff and I'm constantly finding myself clenching my teeth...I'm getting headaches. I'm walking around trying to keep my mouth open and I look like I should be put in the nut-house! What's this all about?" (All true, except I didn't quite phrase it that way!) Doc: How long has this been going on? Me: Oh, I don't know - maybe 6 weeks or so. It's starting to drive me crazy! Doc: Um...(looks at me quizzically) about as long as you've been taking [new medication]? Me: Well...(wheels turning in my head)...yes. I'd never considered them related. Could they be? Doc: I've never heard of that being a side effect to [new medication], but let's look, shall we? Doc busies herself at the computer while I sit, slack-jawed; her captive audience. Doc: Well, sweetie. It looks like you are special! Me: What do you mean? Doc: It seems as if 1% of all persons taking [new medication] experience jaw stiffness and pain. 1%. ONE PERCENT! Leave it to me to be in that minority. Needless to say, she's changing my medication. Thought I'd share. TTFN JMS

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