Friday, August 22, 2008

Shoulda been an engineer!

I just walked into the cafeteria at work to get something to eat...and the chef asked me if how I was going to pay. I told him I was going to give him my Debit usual. He said that was fine, but he'd have to write it down and give me a receipt later, because he couldn't get the paper into the credit card machine. I asked him if I could look at it and he said that was fine, except everyone at table 5 had already tried. (The tables aren't really numbered, he just said that to be funny - and I think it was a "Wedding Singer" reference.) I told him I was the only one at the shop I used to work in that could ever get the paper in the credit card machine so that it would work properly. After looking at it for a couple of minutes, I realized that there was no place to "thread" the paper and started examining the machine a bit further. The roller and wheels were on the top of the cover that closes over the paper. I pulled a length of paper out, closed the cover and pressed the button to advance the paper a bit. It worked. I asked him to please reprint a receipt so we could make sure it was working. He pushed a few buttons and "ZIP!" it worked like a charm. He hollered, "We got it!" and the applause was lovely! He commented, "How many college degrees does it take to fix a credit card machine?" I said, "I don't know, I don't have one." and he looked at me funny...I'm not sure what the look meant. Anyway - I got a free breakfast out of the deal! It was kind of fun. I guess I'm smarter than I give myself credit for - or maybe just more logical and patient...I don't know. TTFN JMS


Anonymous said...

I have a college degree - big hairy deal!

College does not make you smart!

Just like every other process - Garbage in, garbage out!

If, as your Dad used to say, someone is dumber than a box of rocks, no college can change that.

Just as true a smart person (like you) is smart either way.

Don't confuse college with education. If you read a lot (and I know you do) you are educating yourself. No one can take that away from you either.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say "I love you"

Love and hugs from a UCONN grad in Maryland (aka Merryland) who thinks you're very very smart!

Love, UB and AC too