Left work early to spend the afternoon with Kiddo at school. He had his "Spring Sing" that evening, and a pizza party afterwards. Little Bit was an absolute nightmare and she forced us to leave early. This immediately threw Kiddo into fits of sobbing and tears because he wanted to be able to eat pizza with his friends. We compromised and went to Big Ed's for pizza instead. Little Bit ate like a champ and Kiddo seemed to be satisfied. He also got to watch them make and toss the dough - which was supremely entertaining to a 5 year old.
I stayed home for a special day with my kids. I may have mentioned before that I was going to do this... I planned it two weeks ago and just didn't say anything to the kids (especially Kiddo) so it would seem spontaneous to them. We went to an event at the Children's Museum that morning and had a blast! There was a live concert by a woman (whose name escapes me right now) who has won Grammy Awards for her music for children. Little Bit was up and dancing with abandon, catching the attention of all around us who were "oohing" and "aahing" and "oh-how-cuting" at her. She ate it up. When the singer called for volunteers to come up front to learn some hand signs for the next song - Little Bit looked at me and said hopefully, "I go, too?" Of course. She trotted right up there (we were almost all the way at the back) and stood with the big kids. No fear, that one. Later, the Smokies Baseball mascot, Slugger, showed up and Little Bit wanted to go give him hugs. Kiddo? He stuck close to me the entire time, neither dancing, participating or hugging Slugger! My shy little guy (who really isn't shy) and my outgoing little girl.
We did some more wonderful things at the Children's museum and then we headed out. We stopped by McDonald's for food and ate on the way to the craft store. I got a couple necessary things at the craft store and then we went home. For much-needed naps.
The rest of Friday is kind of a blur... sleepy hazy fuzzy blur... don't really remember what else we did!
Earth Day Festival. Recycling. Green Living. Animals abound. Great things to look at and fun things to do. Friends seen all around us. A Fun Run/Walk at 2PM where Kiddo walked the 1 mile without a single word of complaint and Little Bit rode in the umbrella stroller contentedly, enjoying her surroundings and watching the great big Buzz Bee (mascot for Anderson County Vision's Magazine) as he led us on our hike.
Church. Food. Nap. (Oh - I managed a great-big-sprawled-out-on-the-bed-deep-sleeping-oblivious-to-my-surroundings nap. It was wonderful! Unexpected...yet wonderful.) Then a trip to Wally-World. Then ice cream. Then bed.
Good and busy weekend! cards on Etsy!
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