Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Boys will be Boys

So after the Scissors Incident, you'd think Charlie had had enough of experimenting with things that shouldn't be experimented with, right? Wrong! The other night (and I don't know why I'm just now remembering this) I caught him in the bathroom taking off squares of toilet paper and tossing them in the potty to see them "melt". As I came upon him, he was carefully trying to pull the end of the roll of paper across the little bathroom, put it in the toilet, and then flush to see what would happen. I said, "Charlie! What are you doing?" He nearly jumped out of his skin because he was so engrossed in his task that he forgot to keep an eye out for Mom. "Mommy!" He says. "You scared me!" Um...yeah. Last night, he came to our doorway and whined until I woke up. I said, "Go back to bed, Charlie." Whimper..."I can't sleep!" "Charlie...go potty and get back in bed. It's three o'clock in the morning and you cannot be running around the house right now." He whimpers again, but does exactly what I say and I don't hear another word from him all night. He even remembered to flush and close the lid! TTFN JMS

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